Pigmentation for both scientific and artistic beauty Inspired by women with beauty and a natural look.

Pigmentation for both scientific and artistic beauty Inspired by women with beauty and a natural look, Claire has brought an innovative pigmentation in the form of Contour HD Micropigmentation, which embeds the pigment into the skin providing the maximum natural appearance. We have studied pigmentation and the design techniques through design training from both institutes in Thailand and international organizations by incorporating both science and art for the best possible outcome, thus enhancing your confidence for a more lively and independent lifestyle, and saving time as well.


Contour Micropigmentation

Contour Micropigmentation can be applied in various forms, for example, pigmentation on the eyebrows, eyes, and lips, as it is outstanding in terms of its design, enchantment, and reduction of defects on your facial skin for a more natural look.

Eyebrow waxing

Eyebrow waxing is a procedure of eyebrow hair removal to have desirable eyebrows, using eyebrow wax to pull the eyebrow hairs for shaping the eyebrows with a stunning new look to improve facial appearance and provide perfectly sculpted eyebrows for many people. Eyebrow waxing is also a time saver for make-up and easier eyebrow drawing
